Midlife Leap Online Course – It’s Never Too Late To Be Who You Might Have Been

This step-by-step online course could be just the ticket to finally becoming who you were always meant to be – authentic, unique, soulful, and free!

Let’s face it:

Midlife Leap Online Course, why should you leap into this course?
Midlife can be a confusing, scary time for anyone.

But if you haven’t prepared for this stage of Life, and especially if you enter it “suddenly” – say, through some traumatic event like a divorce or disease diagnosis…

…then it can be downright shocking.

That’s where my “Midlife Leap” training comes in…

…because small, potent new viewpoints, distinctions and strategies make all the difference in producing really transformative results in your life.

You’ll see how to approach these years with a sense of wonder, adventure, and discovery…

…and finally come to know (perhaps for the first time in your life, even) who you really are, and what your “purpose” is.

Like they say:

Many people “die” in their 50s and just aren’t buried until their 80s! That’s because they did not take the full journey available to them at midlife. The whole point of midlife is to allow – even force – a re-evaluation of who you are and the life you have created … and give you one last chance to discover, realize and actualize your deepest spiritual nature in every day life.

A “fresh start” at midlife isn’t just an option – it’s mandatory!

Like a roadmap through midlife…

Midlife Leap Online Course on your tablet, phone or computer.

Combining elements of my own midlife journey, my work for the past 30 years with others making their way through these middle adult years, and the live workshops I conduct about mid-life transitions and the challenges they present…

“Midlife Leap” is a proven program – presented entirely online for your convenience – that shows you how to live fully, richly, and spiritually in your “middle years”.

It’s like a roadmap through midlife … helping you review and re-vision your sense of Self in a way that brings far greater meaning, passion, and purpose.

Deep, life-transforming guidance and support

This richly rewarding self-paced home-study course helps you:

  • See what’s below the outer changes happening at midlife.
  • Discover the unique path you must take, to make the most fulfilling transformation possible into your second adult life.
  • Emerge ready and equipped to live the full promise of your soul.

I do this by giving you…

  • A step-by-step outline of how to actively participate in reviving your sense of self during midlife in a way that inspires you to “live larger”.
  • A roadmap infused with support and understanding, to let you know that you are walking this path in good company.
  • Encouragement to regularly take time to reflect on the meaning and purpose of your life.
  • An expanded repertoire of psychological and spiritual practices.

…all without having to leave home!

And the way the course is put together gives you the freedom to customize it to suit your needs, your schedule, and your learning style.

Pick and choose only those modules that most interest you from an “à la carte” menu and then take as long as you want, to get through each one.

Midlife Leap Online Course in a book PDF format.
Prefer a book?

I’m a book kind of person myself…

… If you are used to books – as I am – you could consider beginning by reading Hidden Blessings. Or, if you want to dive right into the deep end of the pool with this online extended version of Hidden Blessings, think of the 14 stages of Taking the Midlife Leap as 14 short eBooks – or, one very long book – delivered sideways, over time! Print out each module in whatever timing is right for you and own a personal library – one you can pick up in your hands, feel the paper, and turn the pages… a hard copy you can return to over and over again.

Great for coaches, therapists, and mid-lifers alike!

“Midlife Leap” is ideal not only for anyone approaching or working through their own midlife transition … but for coaches and therapists who work with these people, too.

I meet many professionals who counsel people in their middle years on various issues … but are unaware that midlife requires different psychological and spiritual strategies from the ones we need during earlier life stages. This program can help these counselors, too.

And everyone – coaches, therapists, and mid-lifers alike – can fit this training into their busy schedules because of the flexibility that’s built right in to it. You can choose to take the course in whatever way feels right for you.

The first time through, you might want to simply read the modules without doing the exercises and practices. Reading alone will catalyze significant shifts in awareness, allowing you to live more authentically.

If you want to explore the material more personally, at the end of each chapter there are short daily meditation, contemplation, or writing practices to deepen your personal understanding of the ways in which the life-transforming possibilities of midlife are affecting you.

Even the prestigious Harvard Business Review says:

“Roll up your sleeves – midlife is your best and LAST chance to become the real you!”

It has never been easier than now, when you can get your hands on this life-changing training so easily, to infuse the rest of your life with greater depth, fresh meaning and a new direction.

Heard enough?

I invite you to make a decision right now that will transform the rest of your life…

Your midlife leap starts here:

Testimonials from those taking this course online,
in workshops, and in classes.


Turn your computer into an affordable psycho-spiritual retreat center in the comfort of your own home.

The Midlife Leap course meets you wherever you are in this decade-long journey and offers a framework that will help you cooperate with, rather than resist, the process of letting go of who you have known yourself to be and opening to the full possibility of who you are becoming.

Short periods of daily attention are better than longer, less frequent outlays of energy and time when it comes to transformative work.

This is why the Midlife Leap course has been designed in short, digestible modules: To give you a regularly-spaced and paced invitation to shift your center of gravity away from a reactive, survival pattern type of behavior … to a deeper, more soul-centered engagement with your life. (And with Life!)

Each module will be delivered as a PDF so it is yours to keep and return to over and over again!

Each module consists of:

  • One chapter of original reading material that guides you through the transition between your old and new states of being.
  • Writing exercises designed to deepen your understanding of the material being explored in each chapter.
  • Daily meditation/contemplative practices providing step-by-step instruction to help you cultivate your inner life and support you in finding a clear stream that regenerates your passion and purpose.
* Pdf pricing is for the personal use of the original purchaser only.
* Purchases of digitally delivered chapters (PDFs) are non-refundable. By making a purchase you are confirming that you understand our no-refunds policy.
“I’m at the end of the online course and appreciate the journey you took me on. The course became a touchstone that helped me focus on myself and where I am in my life. I looked forward to each successive module and felt nourished and held with your material. The course helped me go deep within and reminded me to regularly check in with how I am experiencing my life. The practice and focus to be attentive and attuned with myself is what stays with me the most. My tendency before working with this material was to live my life in response to what others needed of me, even though I have studied soul work my entire adult life. While I did the course by myself – a process familiar as most of my consciousness work has been done alone and by myself – I found that when I was working on certain chapters, synchronicities would occur in my outer world to give me the experiences I needed and answers to the questions that came up.
I’m aligned with your view of where our personal evolution is taking us. I think everyone in midlife could benefit from taking this course!”
– Carol Naber, Intuitive Reader
“I loved this course. I did the work in a “casual” – or maybe erratic – way. I would read a chapter, or sometimes two, at a time and then I wouldn’t go back to it for some time. I’d just buy a bunch of modules at a time and store them on my computer on my computer for a while until I felt the urge to jump in again.

The written course content felt very rich to me and I loved the organization by segments. You were deeply present throughout with your own stories and anecdotes, which I loved. For me, going through the course one time wasn’t enough so I plan to return to the material over and over again as I continue my midlife journey.”

– Marcia Pillon
“I have enjoyed Taking the Mid Life Leap course and find that it has expanded my vision. I discovered new angles of looking at my life and while these revelations were within me, I could not articulate or otherwise express them before being prompted by the guidance in the course.
The midlife leap content, presentation, and insights are all amazing. As I approach 60, I sense an increasing need to delve further into the mysteries of life. I want to to continue the journey that Jett has suggested in this program, either in person or remotely, and greatly appreciate the privilege of participating in this life-changing course, which I highly recommend to anyone seeking more awareness.”
– Jerry Maroules
“The journey is rigorous. Thank you for putting it all out there, hiding nothing and leaving no stone unturned. I am seeing the ways I deceived myself, thinking or believing I was such an open-minded, all-inclusive individual. My strongest attachments and identifications are being striped away, and I am left seeing all the subtle and not so subtle ways I’ve attempted to control others, events and situations. It is the Truth raw and naked. No fancy ribbons and pretty package to hold on to. Yet in this new nakedness I also experience glimmers of freedom as I let go of attachment, control and thinking I know what is best based on how it will serve or not serve little old me.”
– Carolyn Reitz
“Taking the Midlife Leap has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. The information, teaching stories, and tools delivered every month not only gave me a new roadmap by which to make meaning of my life, it has and continues to enhance my experience of joy, self love, self care and self acceptance. I now see relationship with the eyes of my heart, taking events less personally while staying centered and self aware so much more easily. The teachings were delivered in such a way that they continue to teach inside of me and I feel my soulful self continuing to blossom. Frankly, I can’t even imagine myself any longer as who I was. I am changed forever by these words, each and every one of them carried on a pillow of love directly into my heart.”
– Martin Mazzanti
“I was introduced to the course by a dear friend. In the past six years I have dealt with serious illnesses in my family, separated from my husband and lost my job, I am amazed to say that I feel more myself and and more of my feelings now than in many years. I was so relieved to find that I could have a life after the social contract. Without trying to detail how the Taking the Midlife Leap course assisted me with these changes, I know it did.
I had already devoted a lot of energy to therapy, recovery work, Buddhist readings, yoga and bodywork. Your course fit right in, and I looked forward to each chapter. It is a joy for me to experience how these various paths to insight and acceptance weave together into an ever more open and spiritual life. I realized I wanted to connect with my soul some years ago; your course provides a road map.”
– Leslie S.